
Care that embraces you like family!


Stroke Care

Readjusting to life after a stroke can be challenging. You may feel exhausted, anxious about the future, or even angry about the changes. At KCP Care, we provide the home care and support you need to manage these challenges, helping you lead an independent and fulfilling life.

Personalised Stroke Support

Approximately 150,000 people in the UK experience a stroke each year. While it can affect anyone, 75% of cases occur in people over 65. Risk factors include family history, diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure.

Everyone’s experience of a stroke is unique. We take the time to understand your individual needs and preferences to create a tailored care plan that supports your specific goals. You remain in control, making choices about the care you receive.

Our Services Include:

  • Rehabilitation Support: Encouragement to relearn skills and manage daily tasks.
  • Morning Assistance: Help with washing, dressing, and breakfast.
  • Social Engagement: Support in participating in activities, visiting friends, or enjoying walks.
  • Practical Home Help: Assistance with housework, shopping, and laundry.
  • Medication Management: Help with taking medicines and ensuring a regular supply.
  • Nutrition Support: Preparing meals and supporting a healthy diet to reduce the risk of further strokes.
  • Evening Care: Assistance with bedtime routines to ensure comfort.
  • 24-Hour Care: Short-term respite or long-term live-in care options.

Understanding Stroke

A stroke occurs when a blood vessel ruptures or a clot blocks blood flow to the brain, affecting each person differently based on the location and extent of brain cell damage.

Effects and Support

  • Communication Challenges: About a third of stroke survivors experience aphasia, affecting their ability to speak, read, write, or understand language. Our trained staff use various communication methods to support effective interaction.
  • Memory and Concentration: Some may face difficulties with memory or focus. We tailor our care to accommodate these needs.
  • Bladder and Bowel Control: Loss of control can be embarrassing. Our carers provide personal care with respect and dignity.
  • Emotional Changes: Stroke survivors may experience depression, anger, or emotional instability. We offer patient, empathetic support to help manage these feelings.
  • Physical Effects: Stroke can cause seizures, weakness or paralysis on one side, and extreme fatigue. Our practical care services aim to alleviate these impacts.

If you or a loved one need support after a stroke, contact KCP Care today. Our compassionate team is here to provide the care and support you need in the comfort of your own home.

We are happy to figure out the best care service for your family member or yourself, together

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